Fixed: Elementor compatibility error ( #1073 )Fixed: Log meta data not saved ( #1076 )Fixed: Sending headers through XHR ( #1075 )Fixed: Shortcode copy on admin downloads table ( #1072 )Fixed: Adding Download via the Quick Add button ( #1071 )Fixed: Adding products to cart through XHR ( #1077 )
Meta 1.9.3 Crack Mac Osx
Fixed: Take target attribute into consideration when redirecting ( #1049 )Changed: Removed caching of reports data, for instant data updates ( #1070 )Fixed: Failsafe for XHR requests ( #1067 )Fixed: Relevant XHR responses ( #1066 )Fixed: Stop checking for file extensions when redirect ( #1065 )Fixed: Reports data continuous retrieval when table download_log not present ( #1064 )Fixed: Time zones logging error ( #1063 )Added: Meta tag with Download Monitor version ( #1062 )Fixed: Error when no button class present ( #1061 )Fixed: Failsafe for failed database upgrade ( #1060 )Fixed: Better display of guest downloads on Reports page ( #1056 )Added: Reports page numbers ( #1054 )Added: Reports page entries per page ( #1053 )Fixed: Redirect to file when link target is _blank ( #1049 )Added: Media Library filters for Download Monitor files ( #1047 )Fixed: Ordering when postmeta is taken into consideration ( #1046 )
Fixed: User reports user fetching and displaying was broken ( #1040 ).Fixed: Versions did not add the meta to the count ( #1041 ).Fixed: Increase meta count if user wants ( #1042 )Fixed: Add ordering to tables ( #1044 )Fixed: XHR loader animation and visibility ( #1045 )
MakeMKV is a format converter, otherwise called "transcoder". It converts the video clips from proprietary (and usually encrypted) disc into a set of MKV files, preserving most information but not changing it in any way. The MKV format can store multiple video/audio tracks with all meta-information and preserve chapters.