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James Bond 007: NightFire 1.1 Crack Mod - How to Install and Play the Ultimate Spy Game


___________ ___________ ________/ ____________ _____ +----- \_ _____ /___\__ _____/ -\_______ \__\___ /_ / / -+ / ___/ / / / / / / / / _/ _/ __/ / _/ / / __/ __/ / __/ / \_ /_____ / / ______/_____ /_____ / +--- / ---- / / ------ / ---------- / ----- / ---+ / / / / / / (nw!) FairLight DOX Division Presents: James Bond 007: Nightfire Update 1.1: Cracked by: FAiRLiGHT : : Release Date: 02/12/03 : Packaged by: Heaven # of Options: N/A Type: [ ] Manual/Reference Card Type: Patch [ ] CD/Box Covers [ ] Walkthrough [ ] Strategy Guide: [ ] Cheat/Trainer :: [X] Patch Number of archives: 3 Instructions Update your copy of 'James Bond 007: Nightfire' to version 1.1 using the included update, then copy the cracked 'Bond.exe' over. Patch Changes Changes made for version 1.1: - Fixed AI bug where view height would be sometimes be at crouch level when animation was standing. - Game would crash if Q-Specs were on between mission transitions, and some level transitions. - Starting a multiplayer game after quitting a single player game with the Q-Specs on would carry over some of the vision mode. - Created bond_ded.exe, which is a dedicated server only .exe with no CD check. - The 18th server in a list of internet game servers couldn't be seen or scrolled to. - Ammo count limited in US build (was fixed already for European builds). - Exiting rocket mode before the rocket detonated would alter players view if they had been wearing the Q-Specs before firing the rocket. - Made it easier to take photos of the girls in Austria party room. - Fixed the jumping animation for players in multiplayer games. - Removed "say" and "say_team" commands from single player game. - Took explosion physics off subdued enemies at rest. - Added the multiplayer Combat Training map Istanbul and CTF map Space Station. Updated issues in the game: The current Radeon 9000 drivers (4.14.0001.9076) cause various graphical issues such as: Players, weapons, and other objects are not visible. Sky textures are not displayed and tracer effects appear. "Hola!" /TEAM FAIRLIGHT Greetings to our friends in groups such as: ------------------------------------------- CLASS, BACKLASH, KALISTO, ECHELON, BMI & TITAN +-+ Kindest regards - FairLight DOX 2003 +-+

James Bond 007: NightFire 1.1 Crack Mod


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